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See through a different lens!
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See through a different lens!
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I have been working on my channel in 2020. I am disabled and was told by some one that did not like my video. That I "need to let smart people make video's because I have a little mind". I wanted to show him wrong. He showed me wrong. I have been working on this web site for 4 months and I don't know what AdSense want. It keeps getting rejected by them. So I guess he showed me wrong. I have been thinking of closing all 4 of my channels down. I realy don't see the pont in trying to make my own money not just be on goverment support. I thought by working hard on trying to make good videos that i would be able to make money. YouTube dose not care about your videos. all they care about is if you know how to make a web site. witch i dont see the point in makeing videos. I need your help by subscribing and joining my channel come check out my channels. i have a link to all 4 of my channels. each has a. diffrint topic.
I'm looking for help with new videos. Any thing helps.
I'm looking for people that have a ghost story they want to tell. Or they have an old house or building they would like me to come film for my Youtube channel. I have 2 phone number one at the top of the page and one for if you want to tell a story with the find out more link below. I guess godaddy wont let me share me
Im from colorado. I have always wanted to be on tv. i just did not think it was going to this kind of programs. I've allways loved cemeteries.
It's hard going to places and no knowing the history. Or not having the hole story. In some places the last owners have left every thing so you can see some of the story. Like old news papers with a date on it. That can be a close date of when some one was there last. When you on location you cant take any thing accept photos and videos. I have seen other people video where there were valuable's they put then back were they found them after talking about them. This is why i stoped telling the full location of a place. I don't want some one takeing any thing. or getting hurt.I also like going to cemetery's. I was in a cemetery in Denver that had lots of important people in it. But we just forgot who they were. Like old base ball players. and stuff like that. It's fun going places and traveling and seeing ever thing and meeting new people. I would love to do some ghost hunting. But have not really had a good spot. I can pick up on some places. witch I have not disclosed. Some times Ghost have a hard time talking to the liveing. when i feel like i understand and i Google there name on there head stone it turnes out to be vary close.
I want to do more ghost hunting for my channel but keep running in to road block. I can sense more stuff then other people. I have only done one ghost hunting kind of video. I would like to do more but those kind of places are hard to find.
I'm disabled and trying to find a job i can do. I was unable to read tell I was 17. I am still a horrible speller. I feel I'm not a good speaker. Some people say I have no business running a YouTube channel. And I should only let smart people run a YouTube channel. I report those comments to YouTube when i see them on my channel. I do feel like giving up. But I would love to see if i can support my self from my videos then being on disability. I have been working on youtube channel since January 2020.
I want to show all the old places that are left behind before they are gone. In the USA they want to rip every thing down that is old. When some times there is noting wrong with the old building in the first place.
I'm a medium and want to do more hunted videos.
I no longer tell the exact location of were I am at. I use to and found out some one saw my video and went to the old house to take things. I now only say the state, and some times the city. That is only with abandon places.
It's fun going out and making the videos and meeting new people. I am disabled and was hoping this would be my new job. I have spent $10,000 trying to make this work. I have spent over 6 months trying to make a web site for my 2 main channels. Google AdSense keeps turning it down. Thy wont tell me why they dont like it. feel like giveing up. I was in special Ed. I wanted to try and find a job i can do. i dont know what to do about the web site. I feel Google want a free hand out from the youtube ads on my channel. A handout from some one that is disabled. I have herd that some people can make lots of money from youtube. I have made nothing. and realy wanted to buy my own house. and get off disablity.
Im going to start A Vlog talking about haveing autism. I will set up a link at the top wiht my channel button's.
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